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Misfit Gypsies with the Appalachian Renaissance Faire of Tennessee are coming together to offer interactive art, entertainment, theater, and lots of belly dancing highlighting the historical and fantasy elements of the Renaissance era. Be transported to a magical medieval them night of fun and whimsy.


Cosplay ~N~ Fantasy Costume Contest: Cosplay in all its forms! Whether you draw your inspiration from the sci-fi scene, anime, comics, television, fairy tales, or anywhere else… we invite you to mingle with our 16th-century villagers and show us your true character. So polish your brass goggles, dust off your time machine, grab your pirate garb, and come humble heroes and magnificent overlord to join us!


Event starts at 7:00pm with FREE admission!


Judging will begin at 8:00pm

Visit the Misfit’s Facebook Event for more Details!


Good Luck to All of You!